We want YOUR vintage!
One of our most frequently asked questions here at Abernathy's, is 'Do you buy vintage?'. Yes! We would love the opportunity to buy your vintage clothing! Here's what we're looking for:
- Men's and women's clothing from the 1930s through the mid 1960's
- Coats (seasonally)
- Women's dresses, tops, skirts, and pants
- Men's shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, hats
- Bakelite Jewelry
- Turquoise Jewelry
- Vintage lingerie
- Purses and bags
- Band Tshirts 1960's to early 2000's (Yes! That's vintage now)
- Taxidermy
- Antique medical equipment
- Bones or fossils
- Anything macabre or spooky!
Here'e a short list of things that we don't sell so well that we'll usually pass on
- Kid's clothes
- Wedding dresses
- Costume jewelry
- Vintage home décor
- Gloves
- Women's hats
- Nightgowns and slips
- Shoes and hosiery
- Modern clothing
We do buy modern clothing if it is gently used Pinup or Alternative brands like:
- Pinup Girl Clothing
- Vixen by Micheline Pitt
- Hell Bunny
- Collectif
- Voodoo Vixen
- Steady Clothing
- Sourpuss
- Unique Vintage
- Modcloth
- Trashy Diva
- Lux Deville
- Lip Service
- Foxblood
- Elle Rebel
- Pretty much any brand we carry in the store, we'll buy back!
If the stuff you're looking to part with fits in one of these categories, then you're in luck! You can bring them down to the shop, and we will make you an offer in CASH. No need to make an appointment, just come in 10-6 Mon-Thur and see Becca. She is human and takes days off, so you can always call ahead to confirm if you're making a special trip. Your items don't need to be spotlessly clean or in perfect condition, but a lint roller never hurt anyone if you have fur babies.
STILL have questions? Call or text Becca, our vintage buying guru at 563-650-9463 or visit in store at 432 W. 3rd St. Davenport, IA 52801